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Friday Morning Fly By: Who needs a mentor

Today’s open discussion thread, complete with your daily dose of Philadelphia Flyers news and notes.

January 10, 2024: The Philadelphia Flyers play a game against the Montreal Canadiens at the Wells Fargo Center. Photo Credit: Heather Barry

*The Flyers have made some off-board draft selections that are looking, dare we say, pretty good. And this may have earned their scouts a little bit of extra leeway here. [BSH]

*Erik Johnson is back with the Flyers, and embracing the role of veteran helper to the new kids. [NHL]

*Bumper Bonk may not be a part of Oliver Bonk’s professional projection, but there’s still plenty to be excited about in his game. [BSH]

*The AHL schedule is out! See when the Phantoms are going to be in action this season. [BSH]

*Speaking of the AHL, word on the street is that they’re expanding their playoff format (even further than the already expanded format they’ve been rocking with over the last couple of years). [Inside AHL Hockey]

*And finally, for your almost weekend listening pleasure: a brand new Flyperbole. [BSH]

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