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Philadelphia Flyers 2024 Top 25 Under 25, No. 14: Alexei Kolosov

Welcome to Broad Street Hockey’s Summer 2024 Top Under 25! The series is back and with the Philadelphia Flyers focusing so much on the future, it’s more important than ever. Join us as we rank the 25 best players under the age of 25 for the next few weeks.

No. 14: Alexei Kolosov

Fitting for the news of yesterday, we move to one of the more controversial prospects in the Flyers system at the moment – 22-year-old goaltender Alexei Kolosov. 

Kolosov, after putting up stellar numbers for Dinamo Minsk last season, came over to Lehigh Valley for a brief stint at the end of the season. The goal was to help Kolosov get acclimated to North America, but those efforts seemed to not go as planned. There’s been tons of rumblings and reports that Kolosov was unhappy during his 2-3 week stint in America, and ongoing chatter that the goaltender might already want out of Philadelphia.

There’s a lot to dive into in terms of speculation, but we’ll try to keep Kolosov’s performance at the forefront of this profile. 

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