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Monday Morning Fly By: Not all birds fly

Today’s open discussion thread, complete with your daily dose of Philadelphia Flyers news and notes.

Photo Credit: Heather Cattai / Heather Barry Images

*The Flyers came out on to the ice at The Farg Saturday and absolutely TOOK IT to the Anaheim Ducks and their third line winger, William Gauthier. What a fun game. RECAP!

*The Flyers fans in attendance understood the assignment and let #61 know exactly what happens when you spurn the city of Philadelphia. [Inquirer]

*Travis Konecny joined the fun, too. He was really on one in this game, it was hilarious. [BSH]

*If you’re a subscriber over at Charlie’s website you can check out his 10 Thoughts on the game. [PHLY]

*Between the Flyers’ play on the ice and the fans’ energy in the seats, it was unquestionably the best a Flyers game has been since Giroux 1K. Electric atmosphere, start-to-finish. [Inquirer]

*John Tortorella, ever the thief of joy, doesn’t want to see all of us going nuts over some dumb kid. He wants to see us going nuts over the Flyers. Which… fair. He has a point. BUT WE HAD FUN, JOHN. [BSH]

*One thing about Saturday’s game: Joel Farabee did not play in it. [NBC Sports Philly]

*Torts explained his reasoning behind taking Beez out. [BSH]

*Jamie Drysdale had a HECK of a game against his old team, but he’s been slowly improving overall since coming back from injury. [BSH]

*It’s definitely not a good thing for your hockey club if Noah Cates is your best center, but boy has it been fun to watch him over the past month. [BSH]

*And finally… Scott Laughton brings a lot to this hockey team. But how does it affect the Leafs? [The Athletic]

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