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Wednesday Morning Fly By: Teenagers are exhausting

Today’s open discussion thread, complete with your daily dose of Philadelphia Flyers news and notes…

Photo Credit: Heather Barry

*So like… we all understand that every link is about this whole Gauthier sturm und drang, yes? Don’t shoot the messenger. Anyhoo, Charlie (best in the biz) broke everything down late Monday night, in case you missed it. [PHLY]

*You’ve surely seen all the comments from the team after the news broke, but they’re worth revisiting because they’re kinda funny in spots. [NBC Sports Philly]

*Let’s start with why, exactly, this all happened. [BSH]

*The biggest problem here is that Gauthier refused to speak with ANYONE from the Flyers’ organization, at all, ever. For some reason. [The Athletic]

*And apparently it all started at the end of last season, essentially because the Flyers wouldn’t sign William to his ELC immediately. [Sportsnet]

*Friedge unpacked things a bit. [Sportsnet]

*Anyhoo, at the end of the day, how’d this mess work out for the Flyers in the immediate? [Inquirer]

*For his part, newest Flyers Jamie Drysdale is excited to play under John Tortorella. Which he will do tonight! Because there is a game! [BSH]

*If you tend to consume rumors started by attention seeking part-time bloggers dying to make themselves part of the story, you may have heard Kevin Hayes being blamed for all of this. Nonsense on its face, but we’ll let Kevin tell you. [St. Louis Post-Dispatch]

*Quite a lot of former Flyers and former Flyers’ rivals popped up in defense of the org as all of this unfolded which was, after the last bunch of messy-ass years, pretty cool to see. [NBC Sports Philly]

*Interestingly, it seems that Drysdale isn’t the only exciting young member of the Ducks that might be moved this year. [Daily Faceoff]

*And finally, in that vein, since trades are in the air, let’s take a look at the 25 guys most likely to be moved when the deadline hits in a couple of months. [Sportsnet]

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