*Folks, the Flyers started Cal Petersen in a game and came out the other side victorious. Who’da thunk?! RECAP!
*It was Sean Couturier with the game winner, which apparently came after Coots became the focus of John Tortorella’s attention on the bench. [NBC Sports Philly]
*It was an example of the fact that Torts really seems to be pushing all the right buttons with this team this season. [The Athletic]
*It was also an excellent game for Scott Laughton, who finally killed the drought he’s been living in for what feels like forever. You love to see it! [Inquirer]
*We all love Laughts, obviously, but we still need to live in the reality that he might not be here past March 8. Because unfortunately, trading him makes a lot of sense. [PHLY]
*Anyhoo, here’s the latest from The Insiders on the Flyers persistently in the rumor mill. [BSH]
*Like Sean Walker! Who will almost certainly be traded! Probably. But maybe they keep him. Who knows. [NBC Sports Philly]
*How about a trade rumor completely out of left field? Would you be interested in this? [BSH]
*Related, here’s a look at where each team sits on the Buyer/Seller spectrum just about a month ahead of the deadline. [The Athletic]
*You know who’s been good since coming off the break? Noah Cates. [Inquirer]
*You know who’s been good all season? Oliver Bonk. Boy this kid really looks like he might be something. It’ll be so fun if he hits. [BSH]
*And finally, leave it to the Maple Leafs to bring us a good old fashioned “hockey code” debate. Just what we all needed. [TSN]