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Thursday Morning Fly By: Signed. Seeled. Delivered.

Today’s open discussion thread, complete with your daily dose of Philadelphia Flyers news and notes

Photo Credit: Heather Barry Images

*If you weren’t online yesterday, let us inform you that Danny Briere got quite the head start to this Friday’s trade deadline madness. Before we get into the details, let’s look at a few BSH deadline predictions. [BSH]

*Okay. Should we start with the good news or the bad news? Good news: The Colorado Avalanche seem intent on making a playoff push, and Briere took full advantage, negotiating an incredible deal for Sean Walker. [BSH]

*The bad news isn’t really that bad. A few days ago, Nick Seeler made it very clear that he enjoys his role in Philadelphia, and yesterday, Seeler’s hopes became a reality. It’s not the best deal we’ve ever seen, but it also isn’t the worst. [BSH]

*Keep in mind, it’s only Thursday. There is plenty of time for Briere to work some more magic. Rumor has it that the Flyers could leverage the yield of the Walker deal for someone like Jakob Chychrun. [BSH]

*It certainly seems as if the Flyers are working a fine balance between buying and selling. As BSH’s Jacob Russell points out, a rebuilding team needs to adopt unique personnel philosophies when sitting Top-3 in their division. [BSH]

*Now, just a couple more things as you prepare for the next 48 hours. First, check out this week’s edition of RANKED, in which Thomas Williams sorts through some of the Flyers’ most interesting deadline moves of yesteryear. [BSH]

*Second, check out the newest Flyperbole! [BSH]

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